Thursday 1 July 2010

Argh, time does fly....

Ok, so its been a month since I promised to make a big update about what I've been up to, and it was an attempt which miserably failed. Time flies by so fast especially when one is busy and doing millions of things, as I have been for the past month or so, and now I understand why some blogs go for months and months without being updated.

So why have I been so busy then? Well, I went to Bosnia and Herzegovina between May 26th and June 11th. And I had a great time. We traveled around to loads of different locations (which I will definitely blog about).

As soon as we got back, I had to prepare to go to the Peterborough International Orchid Show between June 17th and 19th, which I was helping to run. Lots of great things happened there. I have officially been accepted onto the British Orchid Council and will be attending my first judging symposium in the autumn (which is basically like an examination which takes place twice a year, and one has to pass about 6-8 symposiums to qualify, meaning the training in total will take about 3-4 years). In addition, I took lots of pictures of wild Orchids in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which I showed to many people at Peterborough, including the show owner, who was so elated by them that I have been offered my very own picture stand at next year's show! I am absolutely honoured to have this opportunity bestowed upon me as this is the biggest Orchid show in Europe and I will also be the youngest exhibitor there.

And now I am perhaps preparing for my biggest adventure to date: China. Yup, its comign round fast-I depart on July 18th! I am also potentially going to Hong Kong afterwards to stay with a friend there who goes back every summer. If I go to Hong Kong I will be back around the end of August. If I don't, I will be back on August 14th. Facebook and most Western blogging sites (including this one) are blocked in China which means that I will not be able to make updates while there or generally update anyone on what I've been up to, but I will definitely blog about it once I get back home.

A proper blog post (with pictures) coming soon-starting with Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital to begin with I think! :D

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